Monday, June 25, 2018

Genius Hour Reflection

Why do we need to do a reflection of our genius hour work?
Reflecting on what we learn during genius hour is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, so you can share with your teachers, classmates and mentors what you are learning. Secondly, so you can have time to think about what it is you are actually learning. You might be building a lego world and learning which pieces fit best together - but while you were doing this, you also learnt that you need to be organised to make the most of your time, that you need to get the lighting right to get good photos of your creations, that your friend had a good suggestion to help you figure out how to make your lego car look more realistic, which also meant that you were learning collaboration skills ... we could go on and on! You might not know what you will end up learning during genius hour, that is why it is important to reflect on your learning so you can think of all the skills you are developing.

Genius Hour Reflection Process:
-What did you do during genius hour today?  Tell us in a few sentences what you achieved.
-What did you learn during genius hour today?  Tell us about any problems you had, how did you fix them?
-What will your next steps be?  Have a plan in your head of what you need to achieve in the next genius hour.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Student Blogs

You may have noticed we now have links to student blogs at the top of our class blog.  Student blogs are a way for us to share our learning with each other, and with a wider community.  We are using them to share our learning during genius hour, it is an easy way for mentors to see what we have been up to each week.  We are learning about what makes a good learning reflection when we post on our blogs.  Not all students have their own blog, some have chosen to put their genius hour reflections on Seesaw. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Dictionaries from Rotary

This morning the year 5's were presented with their own dictionaries from Rotary Club of Waitara and Tegel Foods.  Every year our year 5's are gifted these wonderful resources and we thank Mr and Mrs Chilcott and Tegel for supporting Lepperton School.