Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Waiongana Awa Health

We are scientists, and we are investigating the health of our Waiongana Awa.  We went to the river and collected a range of different data.  Such as temperature, water flow, clarity, invertebrates, streambed composition and even the types of slime on the rocks. 
After collecting the data, our next job was to analyse the data.  This tells us if the river is healthy or not.  When we have analysed all out data we will let you know the results.

Monday, June 29, 2020

War Hero - Maddie

I have been busy working on a timeline and story about my great, great, great, great uncle who won a victoria cross in world war 1. Here is a picture of my timeline and my story that is based on the true event.

For this timeline I had to do a lot of research and planning, what I found hard was that I had to decide what would fit in my timeline and what was important in his life. I liked learning about what happened in the war and what it would have felt like. 

For my story I tried to use my writing goal of using paragraphs and describing words. What I found hard was not putting too much facts in there so the story would keep flowing. What I liked was that it was really fun writing how he must of felt and what kind of things he would have done.

John Grant - War Hero

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Nikora's Te Reo

Nikora was pratising his Te Reo.  Can you see what he was doing?  He was doing colours, and prepositions and no doubt much more.  Tino Pai Nikora!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Critical Friends

In Kotahitanga we have 'critical friends'.  Critical friends are a person we can go to for help with our learning, someone who questions us to make sure our work is the best it can be, and someone to get advice from.  Today our critical friends were working fabulously helping each other make high quality posts to Hero.