Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Wicked weapon - Fraser

Sports activity Week 4 Fraser Benn

Which disciplines of STEM did you use in your chosen task?
Engineering - 
Engineering is the process of using knowledge and principles to design,
build, and analyze objects.

Explain how you applied that discipline. 
I used hot glue instead of normal glue because normal glue would not
stick as well. I used popsicle sticks instead of kebab sticks because kebab
sticks would have broken, the wood is to thin I used a bulldog clip
instead of a piece of wood because the tension would have pulled it 

What materials did you use?
I made 2 crossbows that are both different one is just popsicle
sticks  a rubber band a bulldog and hot glue clip the other I used
popsicle sticks a rubber band bulldog clip two hair clips and hot glue.

What did you enjoy most about this task?
I most enjoyed making them

Rating - 5 

Improvement (1)
Satisfactory (2)

Outstanding (3)
I put a lot of effort
into this project

I demonstrated that I
can problem solve


I tried different ways
if the first design was
not successful


I maintained a positive



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